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    Exhibition Tag

    Denim Premiere Vision was a 3 day event being held from 23rd to 24th May 2018 at PARIS EVENT CENTER in Paris, France. This event showcases product from Apparel & Clothing industry. This event showcases products like Denim by Premiere Vision is an exclusive show dedicated to the makers of

    It was two great days at Kingpins in Amsterdam. This renowned international textile trade show is a chance for industry insiders to view the best mills, wash houses, full package manufacturers and trim providers from around the globe. Lotus Hifashion successfully enjoyed taking part in the show.

    At the Destination Africa exhibition at the Niel Ritz Carlton Hotel in Cairo - Egypt, Lotus Hifashion presented their brand new own Denim collection containing more than 70 designs. The new collection marks a milestone in the future market strategies of Lotus Hifashion. The Design is done and supervised by

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